It started out as a Cub blog with cuss words. I'm still cussin'; it's the Cub part I'm a little squishy on these days.

The Sloth is not intended for younger or sensitive readers!

Illini Basketball
Bruce, we gave you tha keys, and THIS is what you brought home?

¿Dónde está mi dinero, las rameras?

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Wednesday, April 21

No shame

You know, Barry Bonds dopes up. You know it, I know it, everyone knows it. 2004 has become the Year of the Steroid. Other big-ass dopers, notably Sammy Soda, have shown up for this year leaner than they have been in years, simply because nobody wants to be known as the steroid freak.

But, not Barroid. He's large and in charge. His head, which at the beginning of spring training was kind of wrinkly with hanging excess skull skin, is now all swole up. He's bashing dongs at an unheard of pace, now. His team sucks dong, there's no harm in what he's doing anymore, so he's getting pitchers he hasn't seen in years.

And, just, mashing 'em.

No shame. While everyone else, from Giambi to Sosa to Shef is thinking Thin is In, the king of cortisone is still out there, bigger than life, bigger than ever.

Is this some sort of reverse deal, where he thinks he's fooling us? "See, everyone else is backing off, and shrinking up. I'm large, yes, and I got here all nice and natural. I'm not any smaller 'cause I don't needtobe. Watch me whip up on this 'un.....WHACK!"

Sorry, big boy. It's not working for me. You're the biggest cheat there is, and it's just sad that you are so deluded that you don't think we all can see it.

The shitty thing is...he never needed to do it. He was Great all on his own. Even if he never hit 73 homers, he'd still be the best LF of all time.

Of course, next to the Great Julio Morales, right? O-Lay!!!

