It started out as a Cub blog with cuss words. I'm still cussin'; it's the Cub part I'm a little squishy on these days.

The Sloth is not intended for younger or sensitive readers!

Illini Basketball
Bruce, we gave you tha keys, and THIS is what you brought home?

¿Dónde está mi dinero, las rameras?

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Friday, March 5

I'm scared

I have been involved, one way or another, since 1998 on the Internet writing about the Cubs. For the very first time since then, I feel quite anxious about the way this country is headed, the way our society is headed, and I am actually scared to say how I feel.

I feel our Constitution is at risk. I feel that I no longer truly have "free speech" rights, and I honestly, truly feel like my livelihood is at danger for saying how I feel.

How many of you were TRULY scared after 9/11? Me, I wasn't at all. I tried to put some perspective on it, and I realized that an awful lot would have to happen for an "outside" influence to be able to harm ME.

But I am truly scared, now, because I feel that there are people very close to me that can cause me harm. They can fire me, sue me, or arrest me, for simply speaking my mind. Bush, Ashcroft, Clear Channel, our organized religions, and our wonderful legal system is going to do to us, what Al Qaida could only DREAM about.

I'm just letting you all know. I'll write something later about yesterday's Cactus League debacle, and what it means to us.

Nah, never mind, I'll just say it now. Zamboni LOOKS fit. CPat hit one really hard. Sammy is a big a showboat than ever. And, I think there ought to be a long look at whether or not Matt Clement or Juan Cruz should pitch in our rotation, or someone elses. To me, this is the second biggest question facing Baker and Hendry, right after deciding how they are going to approach the leadoff position in the order.

