It started out as a Cub blog with cuss words. I'm still cussin'; it's the Cub part I'm a little squishy on these days.

The Sloth is not intended for younger or sensitive readers!

Illini Basketball
Bruce, we gave you tha keys, and THIS is what you brought home?

¿Dónde está mi dinero, las rameras?

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Friday, February 20

Now! More links than ever!

When you spend the better part of a day bitching about being excluded, then you better make sure your own house is in order. Thus, I have added two dudes that have been out there, and a new dude to boot.

Cubs Now blog, ladies and gentlemens. Not Cubs Later, Cubs Now!! As Ozzie Guillen says in his thought-provoking and eloquent radio commericals, "When lose early people say be patient. I have no patient. We should win now!!" Anyway, Brian's a recovering lawyer, so let's give him a peek.

Aisle 528 - the view from the cheap seats. Why do I caution you to be careful of the wasps? Its an inside joke, but one day I actually sat in the worst seat in the house, the very last seat in the very last row in the first base side of the upper deck. At least the third base side would have lent me a nice view of the lake. Plus, beside the fact that the Cubs lost 23-10 that day to the Mutts, all I remember about the day was the wasp nests surrounding my seat. I looked like an escapee from Survivor All Stars.

Ball Talk - hopefully I can get him to reciprocate for some love for the Sloth, too.

Every day is Mad Dog Day, and every game is another chance to win. The great Gov'nor of our state, Hot Rod Blagoyoyo, was on, and damn if he didn't knock me over with his Cub chubbie!! Most politicians, whenever they are asked about sports, give you a wishy wash answer, and namedrop Sammy Sosa. Rod knows his fact, sounds a lot more autoritative about the Cubs than about Illinois.

Anyway, Hot Rod brings up this point: He is not going to say that we are a shoo-in for anything, but this year's team is in the best shape of any Cubs team in a "long time".

It's a valid point, a great point, and one that begs the discussion: best since WHEN? 1985? 1969? 1938? I myself say the best since Three Finger Brown. How bout you?

