It started out as a Cub blog with cuss words. I'm still cussin'; it's the Cub part I'm a little squishy on these days.

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Bruce, we gave you tha keys, and THIS is what you brought home?

¿Dónde está mi dinero, las rameras?

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Tuesday, January 6

More on Pete, Pudge, and the East Coast HOF

It is day 6 of the new year, and Mike Barrett is still our starting catcher. It's a fucking crime, when you consider the Cubs made about 43 trillion dollars last year.

Pete Rose is a fucking scumbag sweat-licking whore who does not deserve to be inducted in the Covington, KY Hall of Fame, let alone the all-mighty Cooperstown variety HOF. There are rules in place, posted in EVERY dog-fucking clubhouse, and he disregarded them, then lied to everyone until such time it was profitable to come clean, and he has no shame in any of it. His callous disregard to the rules, whether they make sense or not, shows a complete lack of respect for the traditions of the game and the people before you who have earned respect.

He does not deserve a break.

But let's say, for a minute, that the rule didn't exist. This occurred to me today during the long ride in - what's so bad on betting ON yourself? Sure, I understand that the line between betting to WIN and betting to LOSE is a fine one. And anyone who bets to lose, and then throws the game away, should never be allowed to participate again.

But let's assume that I have extreme moral character, and I would NEVER throw a game. What's wrong with betting ON yourself? Don't we do that all the time, in real life? When you go into debt to finance an education, isn't that a bet on yourself to succeed? Or when you mortgage your house to start your own business? Or buy stock in your company?

If you're an athlete, wouldn't it inspire you to work HARDER if you bet on yourself? I always thought it would be cool to make all player contracts contingent on wins. Isn't that a bet on yourself? Betting ON yourself doesn't sound immoral to me at all.

But, as I said, I understand that gambling itself can be tragically addictive, and it would be very easy to slip once it starts, particularly if you get behind and need to pay off in a hurry.

Finally, HOF announcements are due out today. I would vote for Molitor and Eck. I would also vote for Sutter, Sandberg, Gossage, Blyleven, and am currently sweating the notion of Lee Smith. He's borderline to me. I don't think Dawson has it, and Jim Rice seems less impressive to me with each passing year.

The first two will get in, the rest will take their usual annual screwing, and I'm not going to lose any more sleep about it. I spent all my disillusionment last year, when Ryno didn't get 50% of the vote, and the scabby pricks on the Vet Committee didn't vote Santo in. Festering pus-sores like Mike Schmidt and Joe Morgan deserve to be in a little homo club that would welcome "men" like themselves, and exclude Ron Santo.

