It started out as a Cub blog with cuss words. I'm still cussin'; it's the Cub part I'm a little squishy on these days.

The Sloth is not intended for younger or sensitive readers!

Illini Basketball
Bruce, we gave you tha keys, and THIS is what you brought home?

¿Dónde está mi dinero, las rameras?

Site Meter

Wednesday, January 14

How well do you know the Sloth?

No, no Sloth quiz for you to take. I wish! Every time I try to get on that site to build one, it's always swamped.

I'll cut the bullshit, and while we wait anxiously to see How In The Hell Hendry & Co. is going to screw up the Greg Maddux thing, take a gander at the new, improved About the Sloth page. You may think it's mildly amusing, but every word is true.

There were several points (like, "Scarest feeling") where I could have gone for the Ha, but for some reason I felt like coming clean on it.

