It started out as a Cub blog with cuss words. I'm still cussin'; it's the Cub part I'm a little squishy on these days.

The Sloth is not intended for younger or sensitive readers!

Illini Basketball
Bruce, we gave you tha keys, and THIS is what you brought home?

¿Dónde está mi dinero, las rameras?

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Friday, January 30

Once upon a time, at a golf course far, far away....

Maddux: "Hey, Scott? Talk to the Cubs yet?"

Boras: "Uhhh, yeah. Jim called me the other day. We said our hidy's. Not much else."

Maddux: "Did they act like they wanted me?"

Boras: "Like a starving crack whore. They're gonna pay, and pay big. I'll call the Dodgers, and the Giants, and try to solicit some counter..."

Maddux: "Hold on a second! Don't waste your time going to a bunch of different teams, trying to drum up some fake interest to hold the Cubs hostage! I want to play there, they want me, so just get the best offer, OK?"

Boras: "The Players Union isn't gonna like this..."

Maddux: "SCREW THE FUCKIN PLAYERS UNION! I have more money than my wife, children, and grandchildren can ever spend! All I need is my Pings and beer money. Just get me a couple of years, so I can win 300, and maybe a World Series with the Cubs, and I won't ever have to pay my way onto another course ever again!"

Boras: "Then, I have no choice than to resign as your representative."

Maddux: "Don't be an anus. We can send a message here, a good one. I want to play for a winner in Chicago. We'll be heroes. Gods, even. Just call Hendry, capiche?"

Boras: "No problem...he's on hold."

