It started out as a Cub blog with cuss words. I'm still cussin'; it's the Cub part I'm a little squishy on these days.
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Monday, December 15
12/15/2003 02:16:00 PM
by Rob
What do I think about the capture of Saddam? It's good, because I think it means, foremostly, that our troops will get home sooner. He's a coward, because he let himself get taken alive. He's a fuckwad, because he claims the bodies found in the mass graves are those of thieves. Uh-huh, so why is every third one small, like a child? It's good, because morons like Gore and Dean, who were willing to just let the guy be, now look like red commie bastards. It's good because Iraq can put the guy on trial, then administer true Islamic justice. It's good because the little squealing prick might tell us where Osama and the other Al-Qaida sand-n***ers are hiding. But most of all, it does my heart good to know that Bush, like most politicians, is predictable. The election is 11 months away, and you're being handed your lunch by the liberals. Sooooo....pull Saddam out your ass! That will buy you double-digit popularity points! Salud!!