It started out as a Cub blog with cuss words. I'm still cussin'; it's the Cub part I'm a little squishy on these days.
![]() Illini Basketball Bruce, we gave you tha keys, and THIS is what you brought home? ![]() ¿Dónde está mi dinero, las rameras?
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Tuesday, December 30
12/30/2003 09:59:00 AM
by Rob
Fellow Cub Blog Army captain Chuck, with whom I am lunching with again today, BTW, characterizes me as 'openly pro-porn'. Wellllll, um...I'm not against it, by any means. And I do have the link on the side, which I am not compensated for, thank goodness. I would have trouble spending porn money. I do not wish to be a porn lord, or even breathe the same air they breathe. I guess it's just a lifestyle thing. One of the highlights of my childhood was finding a copy of Velvet in the field in back of my house, which had an excellent pictorial about a meter reader giving a lady a parking ticket, which she chose to discuss, and one thing led to another, and there they are, with their faces buried in each other's crotches, and I guess that is one childish tendency I have never outgrown. I like to look. It doesn't mean I love my wife any less, or that I think less of women, for I always look at things like this on a case-by-case basis. I nearly ALWAYS wonder what circumstances bring the "models" to their current state. Is it drug dependency, low self-esteem brought about by an abusive childhood, or were they actually unaware, or worse, unwilling participants? There sure seems to be an awful lot of people who have pictures out there of themselves with several inches of pink papa pipe stuck up them somehow. Are they really getting paid for this? But I digress. If it appears that I am pushing porn, be assured that my interests are casual in nature. In fact, I voted against making Jenna Jameson's birthday a national holiday on Forklift's spot. Besides, Monica Sweetheart has soooo much more to offer than Silicone Jenna.