It started out as a Cub blog with cuss words. I'm still cussin'; it's the Cub part I'm a little squishy on these days.
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Tuesday, December 16
12/16/2003 02:39:00 PM
by Rob
Pissed off at everyone. I'm pissed off at you liberals. I can call Dean a commie, and Gore a commie, because basically, they are. A commie isn't a Russian, or a dictator. A commie is someone who wants to tax the people that work hard and give it all to those that don't. You want to take more of MY paycheck and give it to some tree-hugging bastard who just might have a skill but chooses to wax poetic about some noxious weed? I'm also pissed off at Bush. Whaddya mean, capturing Saddam isn't going to get our troops home sooner? WASN'T THAT THE OBJECTIVE? We got him (trademark applied for), now scoop up and head home, Joe. But NOOO, we gotta keep the troops there, getting them picked off onesie, twosie here and there, so that Tricky Dick Chaney and the rest of the Halliburton boys can fucking suck the money right out of the Iraqi sand. "This is a great day for Iraqis". Bull-spit! Since when did any of you lockjaw Texas criminal fucks give a SHIT about any A-rabs? Pissed off at Jim Hendry. He's gonna wait it out, wait to see who is going to slip by on the cheap. NO! NO! NOOO!!! Winning is not done on the cheap! The Great Billy Beane, for as much as I love him, has never won anything! The Marlins won this year by paying Pudge $10M when nobody else was offering him anything. They stepped up and took charge of their own destiny, and won the Goddamned thing! Your catchers cannot hit ME, if I jogged past them slowly and flinched a little. We are ONE man away from a Pennant! Go get him!!! If we win the GD pennant, we'll make the 10 milldo back, EAZY!! Pissed off at God. Why, you ask? Tell me what His fucking plan is? Yes, He gives us free will, and he sits up there all Machevellian on us, letting Jews kill Muslims, Muslims kill everyone, and lets us all act greedy, miserable, psychotic like we all do every December IN HIS NAME? We have criminals who come on TV and extort from the feeble-minded, in His name. We have the Crusades, the Inquisition, the Holy Wars, the Jihads, various assorted Purges, all in the name of our Maker. Maybe He stepped in once and stopped the shit when He flooded the earth. Maybe He stepped in twice when He sent his reps on earth to teach in His name and die for our sins. But I really think He really needs to step in, early, and often, and smite down anyone who takes "religion" and abuses it by twisting it to meet their immoral ends. I think the "Holidays" is the greatest deviation from what truly should be important that there is. I was out there today. Nobody was happy. Nobody was holy. Nobody was finding joy and peace in His name. No, everyone was completely distraught, trying to find the best presents, the best deals...Christ, save us.