It started out as a Cub blog with cuss words. I'm still cussin'; it's the Cub part I'm a little squishy on these days.
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Thursday, November 13
11/13/2003 08:47:00 AM
by Rob
Morons! A radio station in Noo Joysey won't play any more Jethro Tull after their lead guy (and let's be honest here, I thought he was dead) made statements about American flag displays. Morons! I mean, the radio station! Read the article, and tell me what is in the least bit un-American about what he said. If you are so shallow, so dumb, so incapable of intricate know? THIS is the "least common denominator" you keep hearing about. What the guy from Tull was saying is that "nationalism" is nothing more than Johnny-come-lately patriotism. Look at it this way: if I go out and wear my Ramon Martinez gamer in public, does that make me a major leaguer? And again...for all of you long-suffering 24/7 Cub did you feel when everyone you knew, who could not give a rat's shit about the Cubs in April, was suddenly a Cub fan in September? Wearing the hats, slapping you on the back, asking you how "our Cubs" were gonna do tonight? This is what Tull is talking about. All of these people, who previously sat around, making fun of our Armed Forces members because "Obviously, they're all too stupid to get a real job"; would bash our president and our government because taxes are too high, gas costs too much, and all the jobs were being moved to Mexico.... ....WHAM!! When 9/11 hit, all these same idiots were going out and buying every American flag they could, for their homes, their cars, their gas-guzzling SUV's, slapping cheap-ass bumper stickers on their $42,000 Expeditions, just WRAPPING themselves up in the flag, holding hands with strangers in the stands at football games, tearfully singing America the Beautiful, swelling up their chests, pledging vengeance against Saddam Fucking Hussein and Osama Fucking binLaden and Mommar Fucking Gaddafi and every other Arab name they could think of. Like they were actually going to be the ones doing the killing and bleeding and dying. Meanwhile, my wife and I just stood there, trying not to be disrespectful, but saying quietly to each other.."In six months, this all will be forgotten." AND WHAT HAPPENED? Yep, the faded plastic flags worked themselves free from the sides of the SUV's, and littered the sides of every major road and expressway. The faded cloth flags, dirty and certainly not "hung in a respectful manner", droop lifelessly forgotten from the brackets off of everyone's porch. Sure, there are some who do it right...chances are, they were doing it BEFORE 9/11. There are some who truly respect their country. Chances are, these people fought in WWII, Korea, or Vietnam. There are others who truly appreciate our freedoms, or maybe they just get off on ceremony. Fine. But the rest of us, the Johnny come latelys, those who only care when it is fashionable, don't deserve the respect that our actual soldiers do. Say what you want about Pvt. Jessi, at least she went, and sacrificed her body and nearly her life. The rest of us who did nothing more than bought a plastic hood ornament for our car, and went to a couple of rallies in the month following 9/11, we are not REAL patriots, and should not get our panties in a wad, like the stupid fucks in NJ, who won't play any more Jethro Tull, because after all, they're Brits, and they're unAmerican! Leaves more time for Mick Jagger. Now, THERE'S a true American!