It started out as a Cub blog with cuss words. I'm still cussin'; it's the Cub part I'm a little squishy on these days.
![]() Illini Basketball Bruce, we gave you tha keys, and THIS is what you brought home? ![]() ¿Dónde está mi dinero, las rameras?
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Tuesday, November 4
11/04/2003 09:49:00 AM
by Rob
Nothing is worse than reading a blog when the blogger is having writer's block. Then, you get subjected to a long winded diatribe about how we shouldn't be getting soldiers killed in Iraq, or some trade rumors about the Rangers sending us ARod for Farnsworth and Miller. But I've been reeling since game 6, and I had nothing really good for today, and then I went out to Big Stupid Tommy, who had a cool link to the Troughs at Wrigley. Thanks, BST, you're the motherfucking goods. Now, inspired, I ask you this question today: How would you like a First baseman who hit 40 dongs last year, would not require much in trade, and is making a reasonably slim $6M on the last year of his deal? You may be stumped, but when I tell you that he is a borderline Hall of Fame player, and possesses a great deal of plate discipline, you may now know I am talking about none other than the Big Skirt himself. The Sux cannot go into next year with Frank and Paul Konerko on the team. They fill the exact same role on the team, which is poor fielding 1B-DH. Which is OK if you just have those two. But you also have Jose Valentin, and Carlos Lee, both decent hitters who need to spend some time not playing the field, for the common good of their team. Therefore, the continued employ of both Konerko and Frank provides a great deal of angst, static, and loathing amongst all concerned. Of the two, Frank is far more marketable, with his superior stats and lower salary. Of course, he is to clubhouse cancers what Britney Spears is to slut fashion. (Coming soon to an ACT test near you!) Yes, today it is the Big Skirt, yesterday it was the Mad Dog, I have also brought up Vlad, ARod, Tejada and Pudge in the last week. Yep, I'm throwing all sorts of mud up against the wall, hoping some of it sticks. The point is, it is rare that we enjoy the position we're in, as Cub fans. The team has a solid nucleus in Wood/Prior/Ramirez/Patterson/Clement, marketable trade pieces, young prospects and players with potential like Choi, Cruz, and yep, Z, good but aging corner hitters in Sosa and Alou, and the real manager of the year. The team is currently enjoying popularity amongst the current free agents, a crop that is plentiful, and compared to past years, bargain priced. The team also has a substantial budget slot for improvements. Improvements that are sorely needed. Right now, we lack a leadoff man, punch at first base, a second baseman, depth in the pen, another starter, and a catcher. My lord, our catching is bad. I understand that, compared to Turd Hundley, Damian Miller seems like Johnny Bench. But the only bench Miller should be familiar with is the one Dusty sits on and chews his tea tree sticks. Most years, it is hopeless, as we watch management stick band-aids on in awkward angles, and hope for the best. This year, we all squirm anxiously as we find out what Hendry can do to buy us those last five outs that kept us from the pennant, and can he do it without exposing any sinkholes that will suck us back down to mediocrity, like what happened in 1985 and 1990? It's a waiting game, and none of my fingernails are left.